of The Living Gods!
Your Destiny!
Than Light!
About Eve!
Prayer Worship!
Great Rapture!
The Gods!"
The Holy Ghost!"
Understandings and Knowledges!
from the Book of XI, an ancient book that has been authored for
thousands of years by one blood line and Dr. XI Lee is the Great
Book of XI's current author.
Faster Than
Light Speed!
All living things have a body. And that living thing's body can well
looked at as at least two bodies.
A slow body, very reactive and subject to gravity and most other
macro atomic or molecular presence factors. Simply put, the slow
body is the body you see with eyes and experience most physical
contact sensations and awarenesses.
living things have at least a fast body. The fast body is
comprised of visible light spectrum frequencies of electro magnetic
energies, as well as ultra violet wave, alpha wave, beta wave, gamma
wave, x - ray wave, and higher more intense forces that can not yet
be detected, only observed.
These afore stated facts are undeniable and well proven, but not
considered very well by most humans.
Consider this. Your fast body travels all the way out to Pluto and
Charon and back, every hour. This means that your bodies emanating
lights have touched the atmosphere, touched the soil and partially
bounced all the way back to you many many times a day. The same goes
for Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. The lights from your body if
you are over seventy five years old, is now visible on Alpha
Centauri and every where else.
XIANs know that their fast body is constantly mingling with every
thing in the Universe all the time. Traveling at the Speed of Light,
300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second), will get you to Alpha Centauri in about
fifty years. This would mean that Alpha Centauri is 50 Light Years
away, get it. I will comment further on how we living things are
actually faster than light itself, until then remember . . . All
Truth Is Kindred! - Dr. XI Lee, Keeping The XIAN Faith Alive!
Some Real
Faith!" "Let's
Pray Now!"
Know . . . The Kind of Faith That Stands Up To Reasoning,
Understanding, Proof, and
Discussion. Bringing One To See The Great All
Mighty Creator In Every Thing That Lives."
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